Thursday, January 21, 2010


Ok, so dieting and exercising has seemed to come easy to me, and I'm constantly being asked "What do you eat, how do you exercise, etc, etc, etc?" So, I'm going to write a couple of posts. If you like them and want me to keep writing them, let me know. If you are sick of hearing about it, I understand that also.

Last night as I was lying in bed (thinking of nothing and everything all at once), I decided there a 3 things that will make your body change and do what you want it to. You only have to remember these 3 things...
1. Will
2. Eat
3. Move (I won't use the word exercise. It's such a nasty word that scares people away)
Let me expand...

Will: I think this is the most important of the three things, and kind of holds it all together. Every second of every day you will be put in a situation to decide which "lifestyle change" path to take. Case in point: Took the kids to the mall today and had several friends eating Subway sandwiches for lunch. Please understand, they are very healthy girls, and Subway is a very healthy choice. I LOVE SUBWAY, but whenever I eat Subway for lunch I don't lose any weight, therefore I must exert all of my will to forgo Subway and eat a lunch that I know will allow me to lose weight that day.

It seems like I often hear people are going to start dieting on Monday, but when Monday comes and your co-worker brings doughnuts or it's easier to grab McDonald's for lunch, YOUR WILL MUST BE STRONGER to make a change than your want for something lesser.

Watch will in action... I get up in the mornings and make the kids cinnamon rolls while "I will" have an egg white breakfast. I walk through the kitchen and notice some yummy M&M's sitting there, but "I will" pass. At lunch "I will" eat the things that are good that feed my body. "I will" also drink water to replenish my body. At snack time "I will" pass on the kiddos chips, cookies, etc, and eat an apple because it will pay me back in the end. When the evening rolls around, and I am exhausted and just want to crawl in bed and watch my favorite TV show, "I will" get to the Y to exercise, and when I come home "I will" eat a healthy dinner, and "I will" skip late night snacking because that will do me no favors.

Don't start a diet tomorrow. Start a lifestyle change right now. Each time a choice is laid out before you make the best decision you can for that moment. You will have to eat out. Make the best choice. Birthdays will come around, and cake will be presented. Make the best choice. The best choice is not to always skip the cake. Cut your slice in half and share with a friend. Make the best choice for yourself in that moment.

I'm not trying to sound preachy. I am not perfect. I screw up, but what I am saying is if each time I screwed my eating up I decided I would just start again Monday, I would never get there. Use your will each time a choice is given to you and make the best choice. Start now, not Monday.


  1. Awesome tips, Mandy! I need to take your advice, especially on the late night snacking!

  2. That is so true! I really have to work on not always deciding "I'll start over tomorrow!" Thanks!

  3. "Will" has ALWAYS been my shortfall. I exercise like crazy and overall I eat pretty healthy. But I have no "will" when it comes to snacking and sweets. Keep up the posts, maybe if I hear it enough it will soak in...

  4. I'll always share cake with you Mandy. :)
